Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mathematics Trick 1 : 3 digit Multiplication

Mathematics                               Tips and Tricks

Multiplication Problems
Trick 1: Phase 1 (n and n1 > 100)

Having Problem in Multiplication? Getting less time for solving larger problems? Read it and get to Know about this simple VMT (Vedic Mathematics Trick)

Solve: 105 X 107 in 10 seconds……
  Not at all.
You don’t need to solve it in a large method. Just a 7 second method with steps.
1.          Write the multiplicands in the correct form
             X 107

2.          Subtract each no. from 100 and write the difference with sign.
                105| +5
             X 107| +7
3.          Multiply the differences in 2 Digits (When Multiplication more than 3 DIGITS will be published later)
                105 | +5
             X 107 | +7
4.          Cross add the 1st No. with the difference of the other.
                 105 | +5
             X 107 | +7
            (105 +7) 35
       =        11235
5.         And here your result is.
6.          You can check this with any 3 digit nos. but when the multiplicands of differences is 3 digit, take a carry to the left digit and leave other digits same.
          Eg.   110   +10
                  115   +15
                  125           +150
                      = 12650
More Tricks Coming Soon…

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